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Making a Video Game


For my Genius Hour Project, I thought creating a video game would be an appropriate topic because it is interesting to me, and I will learn a lot from the experience. After researching about how video games are made, I discovered the game engine Unity. Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies. It is used to develop video games for PC, consoles, and mobile devices. Unity is easy to learn and use, but does not limit the creator in any way. Unity games are written in the C# coding language, I believe that this language is very user friendly and anyone without coding experience can learn it within a week. The hardest part is remembering all the syntax of the language. All you have to remember with coding is that you are giving the computer a set of instructions. A computer can not do something unless it is told to do so. The Unity game engine is perfect for starting game development and my Genius Hour Project because it is simple to use, but can still create complex games.


"Unity - Game Engine." Unity. Unity Technologies, n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.

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