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Interview with Mr. Baez, the game design teacher.


Q: How do you design and develop a video game?


A: First you have to come up with an idea and build off of it. To design a video game there needs to be a balance in graphics and game mechanics. A game must be simple to learn and have a fun factor.


Q: Is one aspect of creating a video game more important than others?


A: The most important aspect is making it fun. If you make it about profit then statistically speaking it will make less money.


Q: What is the most important thing to focus on when creating a video game?


A: When creating a game the graphics are the most important factor. The game must be eye candy for the player and appeal to the audience.


Q: How do large companies create videogames compared to solo developers?


A: Most large companies have started to use Unity or Unreal. Large companies work on the game all across the country and put together a game whereas a solo game developer has to do everything them self.


Q: Do you know what type of game engines larger companies use?


A: Most large companies are switching to the unity game engine. Another popular game engine is unreal. Some large companies develop their own game engine, but most have a contract with large game engines.


Q: What are mistakes that amature game designers make?


A: The biggest mistake is usually when a person creates a videogame for profit rather than fun.  

Q: What do you think is the most essential skill to create a video game?


A: The most essential skill to create a video game is to is to have fun designing the game and have it not feel like work.

Q: When creating a game is it more important to design the game for yourself or for the audience?


A: There needs to be a balance between designing the game If it is fun for you then chances are that it will be fun for them, but make sure by tweaking some things to fit the public view.

Q: Do you think VR is the future of gaming?


A: No, because it just requires too much programming and it is too cpu intensive to be able to run smoothly

Q: What advice do you have for us while creating our video game?

A: Make it fun above all else and design it to make it appeal to the class.

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